We are a company that transforms, enhances, and carries out successful businesses

Presente no mercado há mais de 26 anos com atuação em Tecnologia da Informação somos reconhecidos por apoiar empresas de grande porte de diversos setores da economia a atingirem seus objetivos de negócio, seja como desenvolvimento de projetos, bodyshop, consultoria ou sustentação.

We are a company that transforms, enhances, and carries out successful businesses

Presente no mercado há mais de 28 anos com atuação em Tecnologia da Informação, somos reconhecidos por apoiar empresas de grande porte a atingirem seus objetivos de negócio, seja como desenvolvimento de software, alocação dedicada, consultoria especializada, sustentação tecnológica, licenciamento ou treinamento.

Acelerar a jornada de transformação de nossos clientes, integrando processos, pessoas e produtos, em um ambiente colaborativo que fomenta o aprendizado e o crescimento contínuo.
Ser referência global em
serviços e tecnologia, 
oferecendo entregas com agilidade, qualidade e
segurança, bem como
colaboradores engajados
e qualificados.
Somos sonhadores, comprometidos, inclusivos, resilientes e íntegros, potencializando as capacidades dos nossos clientes, colaboradores e a sociedade com um relacionamento de confiança e respeito.


The history of Sys Manager is linked to digital evolution.

Our history has advanced along with the evolution of digital media!
Founded in 1996, Sys Manager began operating in the Internet era and attracted the attention of large companies, which saw its potential as a consultant in new technologies.

In 1999, with the acquired experience and mastery of cutting-edge technologies, it created high-value solutions for the Telecommunications and Energy sectors.

With the expansion of its activities in the market in large companies, Sys Manager specialized in Business Intelligence and Systems Integration. In 2009, we carried out expressive projects, and the group expanded its operations in important companies in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, implementing the Software Factory model that has evolved into service towers.

We continue to innovate and contribute to the evolution of the technological scenario, acting proactively, anticipating trends, and establishing partnerships with large companies to add value to our services increasingly.


Sys Manager creative professionals are experienced and versatile.

Sys Manager has an excellent work environment and a highly qualified multidisciplinary team. The company is allied with strategic partners, certified to perform services that demand high performance, safety, and quality.

We produce customized and innovative solutions agilely, using Application Management Services (AMS) in the Lifecycle Management of our client's business applications, sustaining and promoting the continuous evolution of applications on different platforms.